Looking at the most and least expensive primary campaigns
The deadline for Massachusetts State Primary candidates to file their campaign finance reports with the Office and Campaign and Political Finance was Tuesday, September 2. Candidates were required to report money raised and spent from January 1, 2014 to August 22, 2014. I have created
a searchable and sortable spreadsheet with the data for every candidate reported to be on the ballot by the Secretary of State. This article focuses on the candidates that have opponents in the September 9 State Primary.
State Representative primary candidates with opponents
Of the
295 State Representative candidates on the ballot, 95 are in primaries with opponents. Here is the full list of candidates with primary opponents and the amounts with which they started the filing period (often $0 for first time candidates), the amounts they raised and spent from January 1 to August 22, and the ending balance on August 22. This list is sorted by District and Party, showing opponents next to each other.
The average amount raised by the opposed primary candidates is about $17,400 and the average amount spent is about $13,000. However, there is a fair amount of variability, with medians of approximately $10,600 and $8,400 for amount raised and spent.
Inc Start Raised Spent End
District Pt Name
1st Barnstable D Alexander R. Morash 3671 7935 5864 5741
Elisa Beth Zawadzkas 0 22306 6541 15765
Ian P. Ryan 0 35710 10450 25260
2nd Bristol R Jeffrey R. Bailey 8269 13676 19515 2430
Bert J. Buckley 1917 8010 6637 3290
9th Bristol D Christopher Markey INC 17321 19775 20568 16528
Alan D. Garcia 0 6420 0 6420
1st Essex D Edward C. Cameron 10 18799 14288 4521
Robert W. Lavoie 0 13815 10957 2858
2nd Essex R Leonard Mirra INC 18001 6890 5713 19178
Edward H. Watson 0 6350 1350 5000
5th Essex R Michael B. Boucher 0 12710 12371 338
Robert V. Whynott 0 10350 7359 2991
11th Essex D Brendan P. Crighton 4487 40603 30359 14730
Charlie Gallo 0 38730 26186 12544
Aikaterini Panagiotakis Koudanis 0 911 518 393
12th Essex D Beverley A. Griffin Dunne NaN NaN NaN NaN
James Moutsoulas 10 6415 3741 2684
14th Essex D Diana Dizoglio INC 19650 33355 24242 28762
Oscar Camargo 0 12605 11593 1011
Phil Decologero 0 30063 23463 6601
2nd Franklin R Karen R. Anderson 0 11159 9156 2003
Susannah M. Whipps Lee 4415 30918 29969 5364
8th Hampden D Joseph F. Wagner INC 9074 51370 28709 31735
William C. Courchesne 0 58 58 0
9th Hampden D Edward W. Collins, Jr. 13100 32155 22283 22972
Peter Murphy 0 19340 11390 7950
Jose F. Tosado 0 16440 15493 947
10th Hampden D Carlos Gonzalez 20 3825 3642 203
Ivette Hernandez 0 13596 8266 5330
Melvin A. Edwards 2695 13998 14721 1972
11th Hampden D Benjamin Swan INC 3158 5211 4415 3954
Larry Lawson NaN NaN NaN NaN
13th Middlesex D Carmine Lawrence Gentile 1750 16932 16367 2315
Brian J. Lefort 2285 6160 3343 5102
18th Middlesex D Brian J. Donovan 0 12895 7856 5039
James Jim Leary 0 10151 3549 6602
Rady Mom 0 8734 10474 -1740
David M. Ouellette 0 6183 4486 1697
25th Middlesex D Marjorie C. Decker INC 19349 45096 36346 28099
Lesley Rebecca Phillips 111 2475 1346 1239
28th Middlesex D Wayne A. Matewsky INC 952 18380 18964 368
Joseph W. Mcgonagle, Jr. 63 17380 15589 1854
31st Middlesex D Michael Bettencourt 0 14300 9034 5266
Michael Seamus Day 3622 68450 37767 34305
33rd Middlesex D Neil C. Kinnon 0 44850 33553 11297
Steven Ultrino 682 52535 49981 3236
34th Middlesex D Christine P. Barber 570 50286 42908 7948
Erin A. Dibenedetto 180 20864 12192 8852
Sharon K. Guzik 1224 9066 6590 3700
Craig E. Rourke 0 8250 8034 216
5th Plymouth R David F. Decoste 690 6959 5688 1961
Louis U. Valanzola 0 9216 8134 1082
10th Plymouth D Paul L. Beckner 0 8057 6908 1149
Peggy Curtis 0 8160 6304 1856
Michelle M. Dubois 0 14110 9454 4656
R John F. Cruz 27 13088 5620 7495
Colleen R. Maloney 3801 9550 7348 6003
2nd Suffolk D Daniel Joseph Ryan INC 1605 25326 21905 5027
Roy A. Avellaneda -5681 3555 515 -2642
5th Suffolk D Evandro C. Carvalho INC 2737 8675 4177 7235
Karen A. Charles-Peterson NaN NaN NaN NaN
Althea Garrison 0 1808 1808 0
7th Suffolk D Gloria L. Fox INC 932 6685 1412 6205
Eric M. Esteves 10369 11032 10579 10823
Rufus J. Faulk NaN NaN NaN NaN
12th Suffolk D Dan Cullinane INC 1243 69656 57782 13117
Corey J. Allen 1858 8278 8580 1556
Ruthella J. Logan-Cruz 100 0 80 20
Carlotta M. Williams 2 2751 523 2231
14th Suffolk D Angelo M. Scaccia INC 27103 10705 16955 20853
Anthony Joseph Solimine 0 5687 5646 40
5th Worcester D Matthew Castriotta 0 9902 9186 716
George Yiantsidis 0 2000 1525 475
R Donald R. Berthiaume, Jr. 0 10525 7069 3456
Stephen J. Comtois Ii 324 2158 1834 648
Jennifer J. Gaucher 0 5159 5159 0
9th Worcester R Shawn Craig 0 24250 17999 6251
David K. Muradian, Jr. 0 32800 20712 12088
10th Worcester R Christopher T. Kivior 0 1045 800 245
Mark W. Reil, Jr. 59 7665 2527 5197
15th Worcester D Mary S. Keefe INC 21376 25740 13418 33698
Philip P. Palmieri 51817 9819 8159 53477
Ralph Perez NaN NaN NaN NaN
16th Worcester D Daniel M. Donahue INC 7627 37873 24566 20934
Joshua Perro 688 122530 97709 25509
17th Worcester D Douglas A. Belanger 455 26470 16002 10923
Moses S. Dixon 0 15550 9398 6152
Michael J. Germain 4815 6285 7984 3116
18th Worcester D David P. Cortese 2383 8490 9906 967
Mark G. Dowgiewicz 0 15208 9158 6050
Brenda A. Ennis 166 2993 1747 1412
R Charles G. Arakelian 0 1702 1354 347
Jesse P. Limanek 0 6585 3547 3038
Joseph D. Mckenna 3755 10544 7603 6696
Grouping opponents together and sorting by money spent shows the range of money spent from the most expensive race, to the least. The 16th Worcester Democratic primary between freshman State Rep. Daniel Donahue and previous primary opponent Joshua Perro is the most expensive by far. Perro raised $122,530, largely through loans and donations to his own campaign, a very large amount for a new candidate. He also spent $97,709 four times as much as incumbent Donahue.
The race to replace State Rep. Christopher Fallon is also an expensive race. Candidates Neil Kinnon and Steven Ultrino raising almost $100,00 and spending over $80,000 in the 33rd Middlesex Democratic primary race.
Start Raised Spent End Last
District Pt
16th Worcester D 8315 160403 122275 46443 Donahue, Perro
33rd Middlesex D 682 97385 83534 14533 Kinnon, Ultrino
34th Middlesex D 1974 88466 69724 20716 Barber, DiBenedetto, Guzik, Rourke
12th Suffolk D 3203 80685 66965 16924 Cullinane, Allen, Logan-Cruz, Williams
14th Essex D 19650 76023 59298 36374 Dizoglio, Camargo, DeCologero
11th Essex D 4487 80244 57063 27667 Crighton, Gallo, Panagiotakis Koudanis
9th Hampden D 13100 67935 49166 31869 Collins, Jr., Murphy, Tosado
31st Middlesex D 3622 82750 46801 39571 Bettencourt, Day
2nd Franklin R 4415 42077 39125 7367 Anderson, Lee
9th Worcester R 0 57050 38711 18339 Craig, Muradian, Jr.
25th Middlesex D 19460 47571 37692 29338 Decker, Phillips
28th Middlesex D 1015 35760 34553 2222 Matewsky, McGonagle
17th Worcester D 5270 48305 33384 20191 Belanger, Dixon, Germain
8th Hampden D 9074 51428 28767 31735 Wagner, Courchesne
10th Hampden D 2715 31419 26629 7505 Gonzalez, Hernandez, Edwards
18th Middlesex D 0 37963 26365 11598 Donovan, Leary, Mom, Ouellette
2nd Bristol R 10186 21686 26152 5720 Bailey, Buckley
1st Essex D 10 32614 25245 7379 Cameron, Lavoie
1st Barnstable D 3671 65951 22855 46766 Morash, Zawadzkas, Ryan
10th Plymouth D 0 30327 22666 7661 Beckner, Curtis, DuBois
14th Suffolk D 27103 16392 22601 20893 Scaccia, Solimine
2nd Suffolk D -4076 28881 22420 2385 Ryan, Avellaneda
15th Worcester D 73193 35559 21577 87175 Keefe, Palmieri, Perez
18th Worcester D 2549 26691 20811 8429 Cortese, Dowgiewicz, Ennis
9th Bristol D 17321 26195 20568 22948 Markey, Garcia
5th Essex R 0 23060 19730 3329 Boucher, Whynott
13th Middlesex D 4035 23092 19710 7417 Gentile, LeFort
5th Worcester R 324 17842 14062 4104 Berthiaume, Jr., Comtois II, Gaucher
5th Plymouth R 690 16175 13822 3043 DeCoste, Valanzola
10th Plymouth R 3828 22638 12968 13498 Cruz, Maloney
18th Worcester R 3755 18831 12504 10081 Arakelian, Limanek, McKenna
7th Suffolk D 11301 17717 11991 17028 Fox, Esteves, Faulk
5th Worcester D 0 11902 10711 1191 Castriotta, Yiantsidis
2nd Essex R 18001 13240 7063 24178 Mirra, Watson
5th Suffolk D 2737 10483 5985 7235 Carvalho, Charles-Peterson, Garrison
11th Hampden D 3158 5211 4415 3954 Swan, Lawson
12th Essex D 10 6415 3741 2684 Dunne, Moutsoulas
10th Worcester R 59 8710 3327 5442 Kivior, Reil, Jr.
At the other end of the spectrum, candidates Christopher Kivior and Mark Reil spent just over $3,000 in their bid to unseat Democratic State Representative John Fernandes of the 10th Worcester District.
The primary candidates for the 12th Essex Democratic nomination, Beverley Griffin Dunne and James Moutsoulas have also spent less than $4,000. The winner will face Republican Leah Cole in November.
State Senate primary candidates with opponents
There are 74 candidates that have qualified for the State Senate ballot, and 23 of those candidates have opponents in 9 separate primaries, with 7 Democratic primaries and 2 Republican primaries. The average amount raised and spent by the Senate candidates is about $40,000 and $34,000, with medians of about $27,000 and $21,000, reflecting the higher visibility and large districts of State Senators.
Inc Start Raised Spent End
District Pt Name
Cape & Islands R Ronald R. Beaty, Jr. 0 591 591 0
Allen R. Waters 0 6842 4124 2718
1st Essex D Kathleen A. O'Connor Ives INC 8805 56645 43515 21936
Jessica L. Finocchiaro 0 24150 20579 3571
1st Hampden & Hampshire D Timothy C. Allen 5652 61280 66444 489
James Chip Harrington 2692 38234 37772 3154
Thomas A. Lachiusa 0 3725 3208 517
Eric Philip Lesser 0 302898 250840 52057
Aaron L. Saunders 242 32220 29389 3073
1st Worcester D Harriette L. Chandler INC 182870 31480 59352 154998
William Feegbeh NaN NaN NaN NaN
Sean M. Maher 0 11009 10305 704
Norfolk, Bristol & Middlesex D Dylan Hayre 7956 29449 19861 17544
Sara Lynn Reynolds 10716 40865 35052 16529
2nd Essex & Middlesex D Barbara A. L'Italien 380 56919 36165 21134
Pavel M. Payano 1238 21692 17820 5110
Doris V. Rodriguez NaN NaN NaN NaN
2nd Hampden & Hampshire D Christopher J. Hopewell 159 13411 13307 263
Patrick T. Leahy 0 27275 24120 3155
2nd Suffolk D Sonia Rosa Chang-Diaz INC 109263 13890 907 122246
Roy Owens 0 0 0 0
Worc, Hmpdn, Hmpsh & Mdlsx R James P. Ehrhard 14174 25120 23654 15640
Michael J. Valanzola 13782 33233 21071 25945
The most expensive State Senate race, by far, is the 1st Hampden & Hampshire race for the open seat being left by Gail Candaras, where the five candidates spent close to $400,000. The lions share of that money came from former White House aide Eric Lesser who raised over $300,000 and spent about $250,000.
Lesser's donor list makes a great read with big name contributors like David Axlerod, Stephanie Cutter, and David Plouffe.
Start Raised Spent End Last
District Pt
1st Hampden & Hampshire D 8586 438357 387653 59290 Allen, Harrington, Lachiusa, Lesser, Saunders
1st Worcester D 182870 42489 69657 155702 Chandler, Feegbeh, Maher
1st Essex D 8805 80795 64094 25507 O'Connor Ives, Finocchiaro
Norfolk, Bristol & Middlesex D 18672 70314 54913 34073 Hayre, Reynolds
2nd Essex & Middlesex D 1618 78611 53985 26244 L'Italien, Payano, Rodriguez
Worc, Hmpdn, Hmpsh & Mdlsx R 27956 58353 44725 41585 Ehrhard, Valanzola
2nd Hampden & Hampshire D 159 40686 37427 3418 Hopewell, Leahy
Cape & Islands R 0 7433 4715 2718 Beaty, Jr., Waters
2nd Suffolk D 109263 13890 907 122246 Chang-Diaz, Owens
On the other end of the spectrum there is the Democratic primary between Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz and abortion opponent Roy Owens where only 907 dollars were spent by Chang-Diaz.
Make sure to check out the
searchable/sortable spreadsheet of all ballot candidates to get a feel for the fundraising of candidates of candidates who only have a general election challenger, or no challenger at all.